Thursday, December 31, 2009
Annual Report

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Giveaway Miracle Spectacular
This initiated a family trend of terribly misappropriating the phrase "Christmas miracle." Like the time my nephew flung his sister's underwear toward the tree, and it landed exactly where the star is supposed to go.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Sunday Dressed
My favorite mother-in-law picked out these dresses for the girls (thank you Daneille!).
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Morning Bird & Medicine Girl
Jolie believes that everything deserves a name.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Mouse or Leah
This is a game we play often. It's called "Mouse or Leah?"
1. Leah
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Eye of the Beholder

I managed to calm her down using the few Lucky Charms that hadn't made their way into the deepest fibers of the floor, then asked what was wrong.

"That part's too messy."
Friday, October 30, 2009
Oblogatory Halloween Pics

For his first Halloween,
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Last year, I casually mentioned on my blog that I tried to read Twilight but never finished because I did not enjoy it. This prompted a whole slew of positive, constructive comments, such as, "What is WRONG with you??" "Vampire hater" and "You are no longer invited to my children's weddings."
Well ladies, you will be pleased to know that I am now a little older, a little wiser, and madly in love with a vampire.
No, not because of the book (I never did finish it), but because it appears as though I have given birth to one.
This week, Cal strategically grew two new teeth. Just in time for Halloween.
Step aside, Edward. There's a new heartthrob in town.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Pomp & Our Circumstances
For the entire 8 years we’ve been married, Jack has been a full time student. To put things in perspective, when his cub scouts ask him what grade he’s in, he says, “Twenty second.” And he’s being completely serious.
One thing that has not changed, unfortunately, is my inability to explain exactly what it is that Jack does. The title of one of the papers in his dissertation, for those who don't believe me, is “Accurately Sized Test Statistics with Misspecified Conditional Homoskedasticity ??????” (question marks added for emphasis).

I think that’s what they call graduating with honors.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Make a wish
That leaves just one thing on my list: Throw a spectacular birthday party for my children, then follow up with a post of enviable photographs and details.
Well our Leah turned 3 last week, thank goodness. Now I can check this off my list.
Before the party began, we had to pick a theme. If I have learned one thing from talented bloggers, it’s that a party is not a party unless it has a theme.
After some careful thought, we selected, “We are in the process of moving.”
(Jack tried to call it, “Leah gets the shaft,” but I thought that sounded sort of negative.)
Because you will no doubt want to throw your own child a “We are in the process of moving” party, here are step by step instructions for pulling it off:
3. Decorations: Carefully drape all scratchable surfaces in bubble wrap. Festive!
Here, our guest of honor has taken her place beneath some collapsed cardboard boxes.

Which brings us to #5,
5. Dress: No hair bows or, for that matter, grooming of any kind is allowed at a “We are in the process of moving” party. In fact, if you look closely, you will notice that some of the children aren’t even wearing pants.

Don't worry ladies. One paper plate, a little creative stacking, and a decorative candle later, and it looked super classy.

7. Party Favors: At a “We are in the process of moving” party, children are given anything that will keep them quiet and out of your way. For big sister Jolie, this meant the bag of Rainbow Cotton Candy she has been requesting for two years. For two years I have politely declined (“No Jolie. That stuff gives me the creeps.”). But at a “We are in the process of moving” party, the answer changes to a celebratory, “Yes, yes. Anything that will keep you quiet and out of our way.”

9. Serving Wear: Children are welcome to eat from paper plates or, if they would prefer, straight off the floor.
11. Gifts: “We are in the process of moving” gifts can be purchased at CVS Pharmacy, exactly 2 hours before the party begins.
One kickboard. Summer Clearance. $2.99
One Barbie toothbrush.
One inflatable hedgehog punching ball. The hedgehog was filthy. If I had to venture a guess, I would say it had already been blown up by at least 7 little CVS customers. But. It was 60% off. (Normally I would hold out for 75%, but look how cute it is!)
Happy Birthday Leah! It’s all for you. It took an excessive amount of planning and effort, but it was worth it.
Also, so nice to pause from such a busy week and see the children truly enjoying themselves.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Class of 2022
The same week that Jack is preparing to graduate, our Jolie is strapping on her giant blue backpack and taking her very first steps inside a classroom.
Here are the two of them, first day of Kindergarten. Jack has tears in his eyes. Jolie is a little nervous. Both have a lot on their minds.

And here, the moment I got teary eyed. When the bell rang, Jolie first kissed Cal goodbye,

and then told Leah she wanted to tell her a secret before she left.

I would give anything to know what that secret was, but didn't dare ask. I know all about secrets between sisters. (Plus, I like to imagine it was something precious, like, "Take good care of Mommy while I'm away," when in reality she was probably cracking some joke about poop.)
Finally, the last picture we took. Just after the classroom doors were closed.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Business & Pleasure
With graduation just around the corner, Jack has been all work and no play. Afraid this is making him a dull boy, he sent me and the girls to Utah to have lots of fun without him. Also, to launch our modeling careers.
First, the girls struck a pose for See Jane Shoot.
I tell you, that See Jane Shoot. She is the next big thing.
Not to be outdone, I then beat out countless hopefuls to be booked as a hand model for my sister-in-law Dawn's latest venture, Pink Honey Designs.

Dawn's work is exquisite. Check it out here.
Plus, the kids sure missed their daddy.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Dress Form
Several people have given me the same advice for packing to move...eliminate, eliminate, eliminate.
I agree. I just think it's so much more fun to acquire stuff.
I bought this last month at a darling vintagy store in Redlands. I justified the purchase by calling it my "birthday present," although by then I'm pretty sure that excuse had run its course.
When I brought it home, Jack said something like, "Oh Kate! Wow!" (Which I've learned is what dutiful husbands say when they're thinking, "What on earth?")
It's a dress form. And I had to have it.
I understand Jack's confusion at the time (and, admit it, yours right now), as he was not yet able to catch the vision.
I didn't want the dress form, I explained to him. I needed the dress form. To store the girls' hairbows.
So cute, huh?? I think it will look darling. Sitting inside its U-haul box.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
You should give him liquor
This is my to-do list from last week, straight from my Franklin Covey:
To Do:
swimming lessons a hair appointment a upload photos a order Cal’s birth certificate a finish/ship bows a start packing a primary meeting a birthday thank yous a maritime museum w/ Lee a PAC meeting refreshments a return library books a call Natalie a plan picnic a book Jack’s flight a cake contest a finish sharing time a schedule visiting teaching
This is my to-do list from this week:
To Do:
Cal is teething.
I cut the video to 6 seconds (you're welcome). If you're interested in a more realistic glimpse of my week you can play it on repeat. All day. On full volume. At night, download it onto your iPod and program the alarm to wake you to it about every 3 hours.
Poor little boy. And boy, am I tired.
A man at the Cotsco food court asked me if he was teething. When I said yes, he said, "You should give him liquor."
I was about to crack a lame joke ("someone should give his mommy liquor"), but was afraid he might actually take me up on it. To be honest, I think the guy might have been "teething" himself.
Still, he had good intentions. I just prefer infant remedies that don't involve me getting carded...Suggestions?
Friday, June 26, 2009
T minus
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Today our oldest turns five.
I once heard someone say that raising children is like making pancakes. You kind of mess up the first one before you get it right. If that’s true, then Jolie has endured our rookie mistakes beautifully. It also doesn’t explain the time I thought it would be funny to hold Leah, our second, upside down, and I accidentally dropped her on her head.
Today, much to celebrate. Five years, three delicious pancakes, Happy Birthday to...

3. n. One who prides herself in being the oldest child. Jolie’s favorite shirt is one that says 'Big Sister.' When putting it on recently, we overheard her saying, “Sooooorry Leah. They don’t make shirts that say ‘Medium Sister.’
4. adj. An avid vocalist with an eclectic taste in music. Our nickname for Jolie is "iPod Shuffle,” because you never know what song is coming next. It's not unusual to hear her belt out “We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet,” followed immediately by “Girl Put your Records On.”
5. See also -
Open Minded
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
A Brother Like No Other
(Written by my mother Susan Foutz, who would like to clarify that she actually has two brothers like no other ) If you lived in Arizona in t...