When it came to love and dating, my dad had one piece of advice for his daughters.
He used to always say:
"When you grow up girls, marry a nerd."
When it came to love and dating, my dad had one piece of advice for his daughters.
He used to always say:
"When you grow up girls, marry a nerd."
When we asked why, he would say:
"Because. Nerds make the best husbands."
Last week, Jack came home with an anniversary card from the campus bookstore.
Inside, in his neat handwriting, was this bit of hot romance:
"Because. Nerds make the best husbands."
Last week, Jack came home with an anniversary card from the campus bookstore.
Inside, in his neat handwriting, was this bit of hot romance:
.Set: r(t) = 6*cos(6*t)
#Points = 250
Click Plot
Then Set: r(t) = 6*(1-sin(t))
# Points = 250
.Set: r(t) = 6*cos(6*t)
#Points = 250
Click Plot
Then Set: r(t) = 6*(1-sin(t))
# Points = 250
Click Plot
with instructions to visit the Polar Equations Applet at:
Confused, I typed in the address,
set my function (?),
entered my points (??),
and activated the polar plotter (???).
Confused, I typed in the address,
set my function (?),
entered my points (??),
and activated the polar plotter (???).
The result was this:
He was so proud.
Then suddenly panicked, because I actually started to cry. He thought I was crying because it was nerdy.
I was.