Friday, May 11, 2018
38 Things I Learned From My Mother
1. Listen more than you speak
2. Write thank you notes
3. Wait a few seconds after the light turns green before proceeding into an intersection
4. Get ready every day, even if you have no plans to leave the house.
5. There are few problems that can't be solved by a day at the mall with your sisters
6. The best food is Mexican
7. How to make the perfect chimichanga
8. Be your child's parent first. If you do that right, you can be their friend later.
9. Never leave for vacation with a messy house
10. Always have one book on your nightstand that you're currently reading, and one on hold at the library that you plan to read next
11. Control your day, or it will control you. Before you do anything else, make your bed and a to-do list
12. Iron your clothes. Rowenta irons and velvet hangers are best
13. There's a Seinfeld quote for every situation
14. The most important occasion of the day is family dinner. Make something delicious, set a beautiful table, and don't let anything take priority over it
15. Stay informed on world affairs and current events
16. Wrap presents beautifully, and when giving someone food you can do better than paper plates and saran wrap
17. See's Candy has medicinal benefits
18. Lock your doors
19. Dress according to your season. Warm undertones look best in warm colors, and cool in cool
20. The person in front of you takes precedence over the person calling on the phone
21. When your house is clean your mind is clean
22. Family before friends
23. Quality friends above quantity
24. Things are funniest when they're not supposed to be funny
25. Homemaking is a science guided by the five senses. What does your house look like? How does it smell? What do you hear? What do you taste? How does it make you feel?
26. Vacations aren't about where you go, but who you're with
27. Beaches are nice. Mountains are better.
28. There's a season for everything in life. The season for raising young children is fleeting and critical, so go all in. There will be plenty of time later for other pursuits
29. It's better to be overdressed than underdressed
30. Lipstick isn't for everyone. Just people with lips.
31. Isn't your dad wonderful? Aren't we lucky?
32. Less is more. If you don't love it or use it, donate it
33. Children gain confidence from predictable routines. They should always know what to expect, what comes next, and what are the consequences of their choices.
34. Santa Clause is generous
35. Work before you play
36. When your husband or children walk through the door, stop what you're doing, welcome them, and let them know you're so happy they're home
37. You are only as happy as your saddest child
38. Call your mother every day
Mom, thank you ♥ (#2 ✔️)
A Brother Like No Other
(Written by my mother Susan Foutz, who would like to clarify that she actually has two brothers like no other ) If you lived in Arizona in t...